CrossRoads Preschool
Hebron, KY
At CrossRoads Preschool we offer a Christian curriculum developed by Gospel Light titled Bright Beginnings. This curriculum is enhanced by our own staff of Christian teachers.
Each month revolves around a Biblical theme with a new Bible story each week. From this theme many hands on activities are developed for preschoolers to explore and learn from in centers. The students will spend time in several centers each day they attend CrossRoads. Centers include art, dramatic play, library, science, blocks, music, and math.
Academically we will focus on one letter and number per week, a color of the month, as well as shapes, rhyming, and the calendar. Listed below are curriculum goals we will be focusing on with your children throughout the school year.
3's Class Curriculum Goals
Language and Literacy
Communicate clearly in short sentences
Use “I”, “You” and “Me” in correct manner
Name familiar objects in pictures
Repeat songs and finger plays
Listen quietly to a short story
Recognize first name in print
Begin printing letters of first name“Read” a book, gaining understanding of how to turn pages and that book read from front to back, left to right.
“Read” a story or poem on chart, learning left to right tracking
Cognitive Development
Curious and explores surroundings
Knows first and last name
Identifies primary colors
Identifies basic shapes
Identifies objects according to size
Understands concept of counting to 10
Names 3 objects from memory
Understands positional words and opposites
Completes a 5-10 piece puzzle
Recognize numerals 0 – 10
Gross Motor Skills
Jumps up and down with both feet
Hops on one foot
Climbs stairs alternating feet
Balances on one foot
Throws ball forward
Walks a few steps on a balance beam
Catch a large ball
Fine Motor Skills
Holds scissors correctly
Participate in finger play songs
Puts blocks together, stacks blocks, etc.
Pounds, rolls, squeezes playdoh
String beads with pattern cards
Glue and paste
Pour and mix
Use sewing and lacing cards
Draws two part person
Holds crayon and pencil appropriately
Self-Help Skills
Uses bathroom independently
Dresses with little assistance
Drinks from open cup with few spills
Washes hands independently
Social and Emotional Skills
Shows concern for peers
Accepts and responds to rules
Plays and shares with other children
Waits turn
Helps with chores
Expresses feelings appropriately
Happy and cheerful at school
Follows directions
Learning manner skills
Know general schedule of day after appropriate enrollment time, anticipating what is next
Science/Social Studies
Names members of family
Names various habitats and identifies who lives there
Names rooms in his/her house
Names 5 community helpers
Participates in simple experiments
Enjoys nature projects and walks
Understands basics of weather
Names 6 body parts
4's Class Curriculum Goals
Language and Literacy
Recognizes first and last name in print
Prints first name
Recites and Identifies alphabet
Recites finger plays, poems, rhymes, songs, etc.
Identifies letters with appropriate sounds
Tells simple events in sequence using appropriate sentences
Knows opposites
Identifies rhyming words
Recalls details and sequence in stories
Begin to identify sight words
Cognitive Development
Knows address and telephone number
Forms sets of like and different
Knows age
Draws human figure with head, body, arms, legs and indications of hands and feet
Identifies parts of own body
Recalls item removed from group
Completes 10-15 piece puzzle
Gross Motor Skills
Walks forward and backward
Hops on one foot
Learning how to skip
Jumps in place with feet together
Catches a ball
Does forward somersault
Kicks ball forward
Walk on a balance beam
Fine Motor Skills
Good finger/hand coordination
Holds scissors correctly
Ties shoes
Strings beads
Cuts along straight line
Cuts along circular line
Holds pencil/crayon appropriately
Self-Help Skills
Uses bathroom independently
Dresses independently
Uses good table manners when eating
Social and Emotional Skills
Plays and shares cooperatively
Follows directions and rules
Uses good manners
Waits patiently for turn
Participates in group activities
Helpful with classroom tasks
Thoughtful of others
Expresses feelings appropriately
Makes choices and solves problems
Accepts help and direction from adults
Social Studies
Understands concept of money
Names 5 things that live in the ocean
Names 5 types of vehicles
Names 3 modes of transportation
Demonstrates knowledge of safety rules
Demonstrates respect for peers and teachers
Math and Science Skills
Identifies numerals 0-10
Recognizes shapes
Identifies differences in size
Groups objects by shape, color, size and texture
Demonstrates sense of time (morning, afternoon, evening)
Participates in simple experiments
Understands concept of temperature (hot and cold)
Understands concept of weight (light and heavy)
Identifies objects in environment (food, animals, etc.)
Print numerals 0-10
Music and Art Skills
Participate in musical activities
Repeats rhythmic patterns
Participates in and enjoys art activities
Uses materials appropriately and cleans up